Sunday, April 29, 2007

name & titles . . .

clearly, the items in the window are Louis Vuitton bags, the ubiquitous brown and fleshy logo'ed bags that you see in every mall in America and on every street corner in nyc (well, you see a "likeness," let's say). and so but there is the LV name stamped @ bottom right (it need not preside @ upper left, where we so often find corporate logos . . . LV transcends the need for a traditional title . . . it's performative in the sense that it is what it is). i'm trying to use this reflection as a way of thinking about how i should best go about listing blogs on this site. i want to honor the blog names people have carefully crafted, but i also want a quick reference that leads me to a particular person's site. i've tried indicating both, but it looked awful, crowded, made me scowl like the reflection of the lady in this image (you may want to click to see a larger version), the lady who seems so upset that i'm taking the photo (why?). the woman in green seems happy, just fine with whatever's going on . . . but the woman in beige (which weirdly matches the dun-coloring that distinguishes the LV logo against the darker brown), she's not happy at all; maybe she thinks i'm taking photos so that i can head back to my seedy studio to knock off simulations (i love the expression "knock off" for "copies" . . . there is something about it that wants to be derogatory, but it's somehow not . . . although were i to have an LV, i would want an LV). bags i love? you wonder? i really love the new Fendi bags w/ the equestrian theme; walked into the Fendi store on 5th ave. while i was in nyc for C's and just fell in love w/ it. i've never even cared for Fendi; the bag simply captivated me, as does their promotional video, which you can see, and download, if you like, at their website . . . but you can't find an image of this bag i'm wanting to describe; i imagine they are only sold at Fendi flagship venues, @ places on 5th ave. in nyc . . . guess i missed my chance. ha. ha. so back to the lady w/ the scowl; maybe she's scowling because she thinks it's silly to take pictures of storefronts . . . or maybe the posture (the scowling disapproval) performs a reality for whoever may be looking (someone is always looking) . . . "how provincial . . . " or "why doesn't she simply buy one?!" . . . which seems to indicate that she can (according to fabulous improvisational theater wizard, Keith Johnstone, it's all status games. every move. every performance . . . which means, for me, all action. all symbolic gesture. all rhetoric). so she's indicating status. and this gets me back to how i list blogs here (which i may have sorted out by thinking about logos, so for now, i'll go w/ the blog's name, unless i hear otherwise). but so this is also about writing here, writing publicly (this is what it's about, for me, at this moment). so let's say there's something about writing in public spaces that is not simply about pleasure and convergence but status moves, as well. i like to think that i'm going for pleasure and converence, but i'm certainly also going for confidence, articulation that moves me somewhere (and maybe it also moves a reader, but i may be overreaching to imagine it) . . . i do find it rewarding in that it is writing, generative, recursive . . . i like the ways in which "live" writing seems to liberate my sense of movement, my desire to follow tangents (i suppose i should perform more coolly and say "trajectories") where they may wander, and then it's always surprising to see that they converge in ways that (can) make sense if i/you can withstand the travel. but as for status moves, i guess i'm not quite ready to think about what i'm going for here in terms of status (although it's true that naming is what got me here). i think about Jeff Rice's "cool writing" and sort of don't want to think i'm simply going for cool, but cool is certainly okay (who am i kidding? of course it's okay. it's why i am drawn to certain things and why i've spent/spend so much energy resisting others). it seems like there should be more to it, but so for now, it's all about travel, . . . performance and reflection and fabulous steamer trunks and vanities.

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