Tuesday, November 6, 2007

serious business

i will write (maybe more seriously) again when i emerge from underneath this pile of papers and when i am not preoccupied with boots (current top contender, left).

why does it seem so important to have the right winter boots in in the West? is it simply a local competition? is it something about knowing that we actually do not belong here (if only for water issues, but, um, . . . )?? am i unwittingly compelled to work extra hard at performing my cowgirl self who does? belong, that is. i don't know, but it's become a bit of an obsession. i suppose i could be engaging less benign obsessions.

when i do find them, i'll post a picture here, for those of you following bootsearch '07 (do i hear "new reality series"?)

i am actually hoping to find a particular boot (see right), but they are currently unavailable in my size (i hear you weeping).

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