Friday, October 11, 2013

renewing purpose

screenshot from screencube

I am writing this post to clarify the deleted title subheader, which previously read "thinking about representation." For while I continue to think about representation, this webspace has a variety of purposes that are so "kind of ..." (inquiring and exploratory) that it makes sense to simply lead off with that title and then craft appropriate post titles.

What goes on here? Many inquiries and even some assertions, but to be specific, here you will find:
  1. the rendering of experience for audiences who may care to read about them,
  2. bookmarks to important texts and sites i visit and admire,
  3. posts that reflect my sense of what is going on in the field of Writing Studies,
  4. reflection of works-in-progress,
  5. thinking about my work in film-composition as it happens from within and across 2 ecologies -- academia and film communities.
All clear? Kind of? ...