Sunday, January 11, 2009

beyond words ...

mylittlefilm. i wrote about it, its evolution and its potential "meanings," at maybe (early 2007 entries). mostly trying to explore affective experience of place(s) in the context of my evolving work with textuality that happens off-the-page.

some of you saw this at PSU. i later submitted it as my "manifesto" for that Kairos issue, but it didn't get accepted (although a different short film did). and while i now see some elements as a little corny, it was a lot of work, so i want to honor that. that is to say, i wanted this to be cooler than it is. so while it originally enjoyed the pithy title "beyond words," i've renamed it to reflect my sense of it at this point in time. i still recall feeling quite proud even as i cringe a bit. but so ...

n.b. MBV may object, so this may soon disappear. we'll see.

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